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PGL is the best

Welcome to my blog all about the greatest thing on earth, PGL !!! PGL stands for Peter Gordan Lawrence, he is the man who started the whole thing . PGL is for families and schools, it is an adventure holiday that you are sure to enjoy . When I went on PGL, I had the greatest time of my life, while there we done: Kayaking, giant swing, quad-biking, assult course and much, much more !!!

This is the PGL centre Caythorpe Court, I went here!!! It's near Grantham !!!

This is the Climbing and absailing Wall at Caythorpe Court !!!

This is someone doing the abseiling activity !

This is like the building we slept in !!!!!

This Was my Group Leader JD, I really miss him !!!!!

We also done Jacobs Ladder, this is lots of poles joined together which have gaps in between them, what get bigger and bigger . I almost got to the top !

This is a quad bike like the one I went on !
If you ever have the chance to go on PGL, you should go, Because when I went I had the greatest time of my life ! PGL IS THE BEST !!!!!

PGL is the best (Sport - Others)    -    Author : Emmy - Great Britain

13438 visitors since 2007-06-16
Last update : 2007-06-24 >> Sport >> Blog #3794

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