Music - Others
Famous People


Peace Please

Sweet Look

Lookin' Good
David Guetta/Brittney spears

Ooooo Prettayyy

A SNAKE!?!?!??!!???! "wow"

Okay nice hair
Miley Cyrus/Barney (haha)

i LUV her hair :)

Oh so young and nice (14)

Miley Cyrus- Party in the USA
I hoped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan
welcome to the land of fame excess whoa am i guna fit in?
jumped in the cab here i am for the first time look to my right
and i see the hollywood sign this is all so crazy everybody seems so famous
my tummys turnin and im feelin kinda homesick
too much pressure and im nervous
thats when the taxi man turned on the radio
and a james dean song is on x3
so i put my hands up they're playin my song
the butterflys fly away
noddin my head like yeah
movin my hips like yeah
so i put my hands up they're playin my song
i know im gunna be okay
its a party in the USA
its a party in the USA

Famous People (Music - Others)    -    Author : Nicole - USA

4489 visitors since 2009-12-20
Last update : 2011-07-29 >> Music >> Blog #13549

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