Cinema, tv - Others
1000 movie to see when you're bored

Well this page set to make you discover the movies, so every week I'll write a review of a movie and I'll point out the goods and bads of it.
1."Interview with a vampire"-It an interesting movie about love,revenge and life after death(another kind of life as a evil creature) of a man who changed his destiny. The main character is Louis(Brad Pitt) he'll begin his journey as a new born vampire meeting Lestat(Tom Cruise) who help him to develop as a vampire.He makes him to look into this new life.
Now the good aspects are that the crew was marvelous and the actors played good.
The other aspects the story was interesting, but not enough

2."Death of a super hero"- It's a marvelous movie about facing the death. The main character is a 15 years old boy with cancer. He will be help by a psychologist to fight against his death fear and accept his end with dignity
Strong point. The touching story and the way it is product.
There's nothing bad about this movie
3." The Big Bang Theory"- I know it is a TV series but it really is good. It presents the life of scientis in a funny way. You'll meet different characters put in funny situation and with some interesting reflexion on different areas.
Strong points. The humor and the characters

4."American psycho"- A nice movie to see if you like Christian Bale it's about an guy how start to kill people starting from "different" reasons.Well I don't particularly liked it but let see.
Strong points. All the actors plays good.
Weak points.The way is build the story.
5."The machinist"-It's a movie about a mental condition called retrograde amnesia.In this movie a machinist believes that everyone is plotting to fire him after a work accident.The main character is insomniac and psychotic.Well I will not tell you more but the end is brilliant.
Strong point.The story and the actors are well choose.
It is nothing left to say

6."Donnie Darko"-It's a movie which tries to demonstrate the existence of God.It choose for this aime a micro-cosmos of a little american town.
Strong points.The story and actors
Weak points.None

7."Matrix"-It is a trilogy about a world lead by computers.Well it's a guy Neo who tries to save that world from this chaos and he's helped by some people from the free once .
Strong points.The story and Keanu Reeves.
Weak points.It is better to see just a movie.

8."The 300 spartans"- It's an historical movie about Greeks and their fight.We can admire their courage on the fight .
Strong points.The subject
Weak points.All starting from story.

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9.Sense of a woman - One of the greatest movie with Al Pacino. It a dramatic story of a veteran how star an self develop journey trough New York with a student at Baird . This two will spend a weekend in New York and experience strong emotion because old sodier tries to kill himself.
Strong points. The story the distrbution and the produce
Weak points. There's no weak points
10.Terminator- Another SF movie in which a robot tries to destroyed the world but here a hero comes and save the situation.
Weak points. All
Strong points. WEll we will excuse the movie cause the people were really into this stuffs

WARNING : picture name = download.jpg too !!!
so it is considered as the SAME picture!!!
11. 10 Things I hate about you-A story from America's high schools about an ''emancipated'' girl who fall in love with a bad boy. This story is common for every american film.
Strong points: Distribution
Weak points: The story.

1000 movie to see when you're bored (Cinema, tv - Others)    -    Author : Ionela - Romania

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Last update : 2014-04-01 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #24329

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