Music - RnB
Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson

He was born in 7.33p.m on Friday in Gary Indiana U.S.A. little Michael and his four brothers start 'Jackson 5'band.Its very beautiful songs they did in Jackson 5 band.

His brothers are Jackie,Randy,Tito,Marlon .
Sisters La Toya,Janet and Reddie.

Farther Joe Jackson
Mother Katherine Jackson.

Michael Jackson with his brothers,parents and best friend

Michael Jackson first song is Big Boy
Then :
Girl is mine
Girl friend
She out of my life
Wanna be starting something

Are some song of OFF THE WALL ALBUM.

Second album is
This album was most sold album off all time.

In 1985 He written We are the world song.It is very beautiful and meaning full song.I love that song very much.Its sang 86 singers

Some of them
Michael Jackson
Diana Ross
Jackie Jackson
La Toya Jackson
Lionel Richie
Elton Johan
Spices Girl
Strive Wander
And more singers.

He did

Off the wall album
Thriller album
History album
Dangerous album
Invincible album
This is it album.
Bad tour

His songs

Smooth criminal
Billie Jean
Beat it
Man in the mirror
Will you be there
Human nature
Heal the world
Librarian girl
I just can't stop loving you
Black or White
Dirty diana,
Come together
Blood of dance
The way you make me feel
Who is it
In the closet
Another part of me
Stranger in Moscow
Earth song
Remember the time
Goon to soon
Leave me alone
You are not alone
Give in to me

He did 300+ songs but I cant write them all sorry.

He got two marriages first in 1994 with Lisa Marie Presley.They divorce in 1996 and Michael got second marriage with Debbie Rowe.They welcomed to 2 children.
Prince Jackson in first and paris Jackson is second.They are was born 1996 and 1997 and Debbie divorce with Michael in 1999.
Michael Jackson girl friend kid Bigi Jackson was born in 2002.

Michael Jackson kids in childhood
Very cute babies.

Michael photos

Once Michael said for fans like that.....
All over the world Michael fans Moonwalkers total is
5.8 Billion.
Highest fandom of all over the world.
He always says I love my fans.
Moonwalkers love him too.

Michael Jackson died in California 25th of june in 2009.
When Michael died my age is 1 year only.
But now Im very sad about it.
Everyday I prayer for Michael Jackson Rest in Gods loving hand.

King of pop
Most Awarded artists of all time
Best dancer in the world
World best smile
World best singer and voice
Invincible king
World second best man ever live
World biggest superstar
Pop of god
Children loving singer
36 Genius record
5.8 Billion Moonwalkers
392 songs
893 Awards
Most successful entertainer of all time

One name
He is
We love you so much.Yesterday Today and Forever

All visitors write to me in Survey and my email is I have penpal account in Students of the world website my reference number is 1506693.write to me.

Thank you off all my visitors.
Meet you next.
All Moonwalkers prayer for our Michael goes to God hand.

Again Thank you for all my visitors.

Michael Jackson (Music - RnB)    -    Author : Shenuki - Sri Lanka

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