Daily life - Others
iLife 101

I was watching youtube and I found this song called want ads by Honeycombs. I really really like it. Its from the 70's . Also I have a old soul so I like Disco,R&B, soul and funk. Really Im getting bored so bye.

Hi, I'm Jasmine Bates.I'm homeschooled ,with my sister Aliah (a.k.a Bri) We are living the good life. I have 2 special days. my parents anniversy and my dad's birthday. I'm 10.I'm encouraging everybody to play poptropica. Anyway My mom wants me to go to firstinmath.com,Watch out for Liza McDONALD COMICS!!! I made them,gotta go!


Jasmine bates
Airplane Flight Sim - http://www.megafungames.com/games/airplane_flight_sim/aff.php
Basketball Game Flash - http://www.megafungames.com/games/basketball_game_flash/aff.php
Battle Ship - http://www.megafungames.com/games/battle_ship/aff.php
Bridges Game - http://www.megafungames.com/games/bridges_game/aff.php
Centipede - http://www.megafungames.com/games/centipede/aff.php
Connect Four - http://www.megafungames.com/games/connect_four/aff.php
Crazy Balls - http://www.megafungames.com/games/crazy_balls/aff.php
Flash Tic Tac Toe - http://www.megafungames.com/games/flash_tic_tac_toe/aff.php
Super Mario Halloween Bash - http://www.megafungames.com/games/super_mario_halloween_bash/aff.php
Mario - http://www.megafungames.com/games/mario/aff.php
3d Driver - http://www.megafungames.com/games/3d_driver/aff.php
Spank The Monkey - http://www.megafungames.com/games/spank_the_monkey/aff.php
Super 3d Maze - http://www.megafungames.com/games/super_3d_maze/aff.php
Super Pcman - http://www.megafungames.com/games/super_pcman/aff.php
Tetris Game Flash - http://www.megafungames.com/games/tetris_game_flash/aff.php
Virtual Drums - http://www.megafungames.com/games/virtual_drums/aff.php
Sonic The Hedgehog - http://www.megafungames.com/games/sonic_the_hedgehog/aff.php
Lifesaver - http://www.megafungames.com/games/lifesaver/aff.php
Dragonball Z - http://www.megafungames.com/games/dragonball_z/aff.php
Hi,I'm here with my sister Bri. We are website partners, Please go on partytime.com it's for video game lovers. For my viewers, if you would like Liza McDonald stories contact me. Sign my guest book.
Also Please go and get Justin Bieber's new album. Or just listen to it on youtube.com He is sooooooooooooo talented.

iLife 101 (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : Jasmine - USA

1238 visitors since 2010-03-21
Last update : 2011-07-24

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