Society - People
Magazine Scene

This is my online magazine. No fee, just fun!
Real or Fake
Is it the truth or a rumor?

Miley Cyrus lip sincs?

This awesome popstar hasn't lip sinced
dispite all of the bad rumors

The Jonas Brothers are starting their OWN TOUR?

It's the end of opening concerts for Hannah Montana
And on to something bigger and better

Was Joe dating AJ?

Yes it's TOTALLY TRUE. But not anymore it's over. :-(

Star of the week-

Even though you and the Jonas Brother's
The best part is, they're taking you to AUSTRALIA
to play some GAMES! And even thought he still has a girlfriend, MANDY,
HOLD ON. Don't start thinkn SOS because soon he'll be
saying HELLO BEAUTIFUL. He will even say "WHEN YOU LOOK ME
IN THE EYES I know we'll be together until YEAR 3000"
After your out of the country trip, why not go to HOLLYWOOD???
Trust me, you'll be together 4EVER!!!

Print this picture all of you Nick Jonas Lovers. There is a new picture every week, so make sure you (copy) this picture before it's gone!
Quiz Corner

Are You A Good Friend?

1. When your friend and you both like the same guy, what do you do?

A) You tell your friend a lie that he would never like her. The less compitition, the better!
B) Forget it. Your BFF is WAY more important then a BF
C) Tell her and talk it out. You decide that you will both stop liking him. He isn't worth it.

2. You and your BFF try out for soccer. She makes the cut without you. What do you do?

A) Tell her to quit. That just ISN'T FAIR!!!
B) Pretend not to care around her but then go home and cry to your mom.
C) Support her ALL THE WAY. You know she would do the same for you.

3. It's finally summer. Fun in the sun with your BFF! Or not. She's going to her grandparents house, all the way across the US. How do you handle it?

A) Tell her when she comes back, you'll have a new BFF, and pretend not to know her.
B) Tell her you'll miss her. Then you go home and scarf down a pint of rocky road.
C) Tell her to have fun and send you a postcard. You may be miles and miles away, but that's what cellphones, emails, and IM is for.

If you got mostly...
A's- You need to learn how to be a better friend. You seem to be bossy. This can drive people away from you. Just lighten up and you'll be fine.

B's-You are nice to your friends, but you need to be nicer to yourself. Just be confident, and everything will be cool.

C's- You are the best friend you can be. You are nice to your friend and to yourself. You are a social butterfly and a popular person that everyone wants to be around.

Magazine Scene (Society - People)    -    Author : Kaily - USA

2335 visitors since 2007-10-07
Last update : 2011-07-30 >> Society >> Blog #5438

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