GRANDFATHER(part of my father)
His name is Maximiliano,he is 76 years old and his brithay is September 26, he is husband of Leonor, mom of my father, he live in the mexico city with my grandmother,he is tall,he is a grizzled old, he is always in a good mood,he had three children, one of them was called marco.
GRANDMOTHER(part of the father)
Her name is Leonor, she is married of the Maximiliano(grandfather),she is 74 years old, she is from Cuernavaca,Morelos and nationality is Mexican,but today live in Mexico City, she works in a restaurant from 6:00 to 11:00 o´clock. |
GRANDMOTHER(part of the mhother)
Her name is Maria De La Luz,she is 82 years old, she is my greatest granparent,she is from Mexico City, she is homewife,and it is currently separated from my grandfather |
GRANDFATHER(part of the mother)
His name is Jose ,he is 81 years old,he brithay is August 12, he is from Queretaro,but today live in Mexico City,he nationality is mexican,he currently separated from my grandmother ,He is the driver. |