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hairyourhighness - hair blog to help you embrace your natural hair type

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How-To Hairstyles, Natural Hair Care, Beauty Tips & More!!!
Your Hair, Your Crown

**Published on 06/12/16 **

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who has had bad experiences at a hair salon. About more than a year ago, I had my hair over processed. The stylist(relaxing my hair for the first time) left the chemical for far too long in my hair, put me under a hood drier far too long. Months later I decided to transition to natural. I have a confession to make..I love my new growth!!


1. Do not make the same mistakes as I once did. Speak up! No one loves your hair more than you do. Hand your stylist YOUR go-to hair products that you trust.

2. Time your stylist, yes time her. You know your hair best. Check their heat settings, apprise them on what your hair loves.

3. Never relax over heat damaged and over processed hair, this won't solve the problem.

4. Cut your hair and start over if it is damaged. I know this is the hardest to hear. Relaxing over damaged hair will only worsen the situation and thin out your hair. Either transition or cut it off!

5. Keep hair moisturized. Dry hair is brittle and causes more damage.

6. Detangle hair from the bottom up using your wide-tooth comb. When transitioning, finger detangling is your best friend.

I've been transitioning since the 13th of February 2016 and i've noticed some positive change to my hair. My roots are thicker and fuller.I also love length,my high puffs low puffs protective styles you name it. So on my next post I will take you through step by step on which steps to take in order to manage 2 textured hair(transitioning hair).I cannot wait for the big chop!


While embracing your natural hair type is a beautiful thing, it can be costly, time consuming and frustrating. You may find this process even harder when you are suffering from over processed hair. The two very different textures, coupled together are not the easiest to manage. Hope the following tips will help somehow.


1. wash your hair as normal.

2. deep condition, condition, moisturized and oil hair. I would advise you to make use of natural organic products with aquar as the first ingredient.

3. detangle hair when damp (preferably with a wide toothcomb or your fingers).

4. keep scalp clean.

5. keep hair in protective styles. This reduces breakage.

6. work through hair in sections.

7. if you prefer combs to detangle, start from end to root. I personally prefer finger

8. use little to no heat.

9. Do an oil treatment and a pre-poo at least once a month.

9. Bantu knot outs, twist outs, braid outs,wigs etc are the best protective styles you can rock to avoid manipulating your transitioning hair.Ecostyler gel is my go to product.

10. baby your ends, they are the weakest part of your hair!



We all have our personal preferences as to what our state of hair should be like. With that being said, I am going to share the reasons behind my own preference -natural hair.
There are advantages and disadvantages with both natural and relaxed hair.

Natural hair advantages:

Natural hair is thicker,fuller,healthier.
It is cheaper to manage compared to chemically treated hair. From time to time we do enjoy our hair straight so most women opt for the "relaxer."
It is actually possible for a natural woman to rock silky straight hair without having to relax. There is a variety of tools you can use nowadays i.e flat irons, hot combs, heat brushes etc. These tools get the job done but avoid excessive use, as this may cause heat damage.
Natural hair is varsitile, fun to play around with.
There is a variety of styles to chose from which I am going to discuss on in the future.
Your curls pop even better,your curls are tighter and last longer.
Your curls have volume. Your straightened hair has volume as well and ofcourse natural hair strands are thicker.
Natural hair is stronger and can hold and suck in mosture for long.
Rain is nolonger the enemy, you nolonger have to dash inside the house when it starts sprinkling outside!
You won't have to worry about sweating your relaxer out.
You won't have to worry about harsh chemicals like acids that can ruin your hair and scalp.
You can scratch your hair as much as you want :-).

Natural hair disadvantages:

Natural hair is thicker, and may take up somuch time detangling, braiding and plaiting,drying, diffusing etc. I suggest you work in sections.
Natural hair is curly thus making it uneasy to detangle which hurts. Now I suggest you detangle hair in its damp state, moisturise and seal hair -dry hair hurts. Detangle from the tip to the roots.
Silk pressed hair can friz when humidity is high.

Relaxed hair advantages:

Relaxed hair is fine easy to manage. It can be straightened or curled on a low heat setting. It takes up less time managing.

Relaxed hair disadvantages:

Relaxed hair is thinner than normal because of processing. It is not as varsitile as natural hair. It has damaged cuticle layers.
It is prone to breakage especially when your get new growth.
It is hard to manage 2 textured hair so you'll opt for a relaxer Everytime you get new growth which can damage hair.
It is costly to manage.


During my transition period, there has been several accasions where I have experienced what I like to call the triple Ds,"Dreaded-Detangling-Days",which fell upon me earlier on in my transition.

When you are transitioning, detangling requires
that extra bit of care as you try to avoid breakage at the dermacation line (where new growth and relaxed hair meet).
Although using methods such as, finger detangling can help to prevent that dreaded 'snap' sound. It can also be time consuming.
Now that I have come to know my hair better, I have chosen a few tips that I have incorporated
into my own hair care methods that allow me to still finger detangle, but have reduced the amount of time it takes.


Stay moisturized.
Keeping hair moisturized throughout the week will help in preventing the relaxed ends from notting which leads to breakage.

Creamy Conditioner.
Having a thick and creamy conditioner on hand is a must for a smooth detangling session. It helps your fingers or/and wide tooth comb glide easily through hair and loosen tight knots.

Work through sections.

Sectioning hair makes detangling life easier.
It also gets those knots and is less time consuming.

Sometimes it can help to prepare your hair for your detangling session by pre-pooing the night
before. I seperate my hair and spray it with water, apply Amla or Olive oil onto each section,twist those sections and then put on a shower cap. This softens hair by the time I'm ready to wash.

Hope this helps!

hairyourhighness - hair blog to help you embrace your natural hair type (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : Sandie Elaine - Zimbabwe

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Last update : 2017-07-07

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