Sciences - Occult sciences
|||||Ghost world|||||

Welcome to the scary blog,I hope you all enjoy and have a good time with the ghost here in this blog.See all the scary pictures...don't look behind you when visiting my blog or your life gonna be dark,kidding!beware...Ghost world...

Welcome to the gates of hell...
Did you ever seen a ghost before?what is ghost?.Ghost is a human that already die and it's spirit flying around but in muslim,ghost is just a satan that undercover like the human's spirit.Don't be afraid to ghost because ghost are just a human spirit.

Thanks for visiting my ghost blog.My ghost blog is not very scary at all and I hope you had a good time enjoying looking at the "Not very scary at all" pictures.Thanks again and I hope write me a comment in guest book so I can read maybe,bye...!

|||||Ghost world||||| (Sciences - Occult sciences)    -    Author : Najwa - Malaysia

3581 visitors since 2009-01-05
Last update : 2009-01-18 >> Sciences >> Blog #10367

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