Countries of the World - Cities, Villages

Dear Friends from all over the World, welcome to the Celtic Nation of Galicia, where the rain is poetry and nature is part of our life....

Here attached some photos of our land, hope that you enjoy them.

The members of The Inter Celtic Nations Association
Galicia was a Kingdom and an independent nation until the XII century, it is also a place of pilgrimage for Catholics which they come to the capital Santiago de Compostela from all over the world to visit St.James (Santiago) which was buried here after being kill in Palestine around circa 4 AD and brought back to Galicia by his Galician disciples from his previous expeditions and conversions during the Roman period of Galaecia, also the Roman province of Galaecia as it was known then, give to Rome one of his best Legion Leaders; Magnus Maximus which was from Iria Flavia town (city & name still remains today), 50 km from Santiago.

Other Galicians that made it famous are:

1) Julio Iglesias, he made a song called " Canto a Galicia Terra do meu pai" (song for Galicia my father
2) Don Amancio Ortega from A Coruna,Galicia which is the owner of the Inditex group which carries fashion
and household design brands around the World like Zara, Maximo Dutti, etc,etc.

3) Fidel Castro, the ex-presidente of Cuba fathers are from Lugo, Galicia

4) Simon Bolivar, the Venezuelian independence Icon fathers were from A Coruna, Galicia

The Interceltic Festivals in Galicia are celebrated along the summer but some of the most relevant are in Ortigueira along July when Irish, Scots, Welsh and Britons come to Galicia to celebrate ancestry and culture.


Susana one of our best bagpipers in concert

Young Galician bagpiper

Milladoiro Group, one of the best and most International Galician Folk Groups

Ortigueira Celtic Festival 2006

A typical rural Galicia high mountains farm village setup in the old days

Old Celtic Homes

O sil Canyon

Me and my old timer!!!

The Langosteira beach where we hang out sometimes

The Lourido Beach our favorite BBQ and wave surfing spot in winter

The Carnota beach, if you wanna have your adrenaline raising in this beach just come on January and try to brave the 15 feet high waves.

The Valleys of Ourense

The Ourense Mountains Range

Pontevedra Mountains and its wild horses

Sanabria Glacier Lake

O Grove Beach

Pontevedra Valleys

Ourense Mountains in Winter

The Ulla Valley near Santiago

The Toxo lake in the Lagoa de Ourense-Pontevedra border

The Eume River where you can swim with the trouts and salmons

Me at Work in the site Office

Galicia (Countries of the World - Cities, Villages)    -    Author : Anxo - Spain

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Last update : 2016-07-05 >> Countries of the World >> Blog #1020

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