Hello there, I am Strummer, but you can make your own nickname for me.
I run this blog here called "The Friendliest American", but you should know about me first.
I am currently 13, I go to middle school in 8th grade, I live in New York, more so in Rockland County.
I like the past more than the future, so the things I like are normally pretty old.
But to that I like old cartoons, history (I'm a history buff), and I like drawing. (Along with music, etc)
I will regularly post about my life here, so expect me to post a checkup spot for anyone who wants to keep up.
If you want to be my friend, or ask me questions relating to my posts, contact me at strummerp@me.com for further info. I am open to anyone being my friend |
| The Palisades Mall, a place I might sometimes go too.