I think now we can talk about having an interest in computer science.
What is a computer?
I think most of us know what it is. Let me tell you what I can tell about a computer.
A computer is an electronic device that processes user information in form of data into information. I understand ever one has his or own answer. But that was my view as well.
Now what you understand by the term computer science.
I think one can browser this to get the right full answer.
Computer science is the computation of information.
Under the field of computer science I love talking about coding. How I wish I was a good at this.
But I hope with time I will be a code master.
But as per what I know if some one is a beginner you should start with learn some
- Javascript
- python
- c+/c
That's all I may talk about programming languages to begin with.
But note that HTML is not a programming language it's just a markup language.
It surely feels good to have some bit of know about ICT.
Let's talk about some simple HTML...
Using Html tags to create a webpage.
We have starting tags such as
< html> this defines the webpage. Telling us that the webpage starts here.
< title> this tells the browser the title of the webpage.
< head> this means heading
< body> this starts the body of the webpage.
Closing tags
are as follows.
< /body> this tells the browser that the content of the webpage ends there.
< /head>
< /title>
< /HTML> this tells the browser that the webpage ends there.
There are so many tags that you find... But this was just a minor hint.. about codding using html tags...