Hobbies - Video games

Fortnite Og Skins


Fortnite started like a non famous game season 1 it had all Og places and it didn't had tilted towers. Fortnite 101 had only 2 skins in the item shop and a pickaxe in till season at the end of season one it changed. Season two tilted towers showed up and more skins like skull trooper and gul trooper. season 3 fortnite got famous and people started playing it and also season 4 is when I made my fortnite account. and they before season 3 the putted in skinks like raptor, funk ops and shadow ops thank for reading my blog bye!!.

New Boom Bow


The new boom bow is not that bad and not that good. The thing that I like of the Boom bow is that it is explosive. And it uses dynamite and it has no scope and it dose not do any head shots only 100 damage. So I kind of like the new boom bow but other people like and other people don't. Some people like Tfue and Drak are really good at the gun. They get like one hole squad kill in like 15 seconds. and not only Tfue and Dark get kills like that. and I play on xbox with my friend Amr,Zayid,Alwaleeed and Abdulaziz and it is so hard to get a kill with a AK or vehicle. And I wonder what new guns Epic Games is going to add see you in he next blog Bye!!!
My first Blog


Hello and welcome to my first ever blog. Oh and it's Yahya By the way My favorite thing to do is to play Fortnite. I play Fortnite for hours and I never let go of the controller. Oh sorry I am a grade 5 student and Hope you enjoy.

Ever weekend I play fortnite with my friends I play on Xbox my friends play on PS4. On my first day of playing Air royal I won whit a player and I got 7 kills. And on Friday I played Air royal and I beat my record of kills which is 8 but I didn't get that W. well hope you enjoy see you on the next blog bye :o.

Fortnite (Hobbies - Video games)    -    Author : Yahya - Oman

689 visitors since 2019-04-01
Last update : 2019-04-22

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