Technology - Transports
Dream of flying ✈


What is aerial aerobatics ?

Aerobatics, it is simultaneously beautiful, spectacular, and it requires a lot of skill to the pilot. It must be both poet and master of his machine. Aerobatics is a sport where aerospace and extreme sport go hand in hand. Technical, physical strength and tenacity are the keys to access at the highest level. These qualities must allow pilots to conduct imposed or freestyle in a small volume of evolution, at low altitude, and before a panel of judges.

What are the competitions and aerobatic levels ?

There are several levels of practice aerobatics:

- The first cycle, which allows the base faces of execution

- The second cycle allows for him the execution of more complex figures

- The level "Unlimited" or Elite France is obtained by qualifying at the Excellence Cup or equivalent cut.

- The level "Advanced" or National 1 in France when it was directly accessible at the end of a successful competition level "National 2".

There are four types of flights:
The known
• Free
• The unknown-free
• Free full or freestyle

What are the aircraft used ?

There are different types of aerobatic planes (Cap 10, Cap 20 ...) but the best aerobatic aircraft is, without doubt, the extra 330SC

The Extra Flugzeugbau Extra 300, first in the series, is a two-seater training and competition in high-level aerobatics. It was designed in 1987 by Walter Extra, a former German aerobatic pilot, based on the Extra 230.

Dream of flying ✈ (Technology - Transports)    -    Author : Mélanie - France

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