Hobbies - Others
Find A Pen Pal

Find A Pen Pal
Have you ever wanted to have a pen pal? In case you don't know, a pen pal is someone you get to know by sending letters or e-mail. If you are wondering why you would want a pen pal, check out this website: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-benefits-of-having-penpals . Using this site, you can find a pen pal for free!

How To Get Your Pen Pal Ad Listed On This Site
This website needs you to have an ad put up so others looking to find a pen pal can contact you! It is very easy to sign up. All you have to do is fill out this form: https://goo.gl/forms/sxTRRWI9d1AjBZuZ2 .

Why I Made This Website
Previously, I had troubles finding an easy to navigate, free, and quality website to find pen pals. I don't want other people to have the same problem. Even though I am far from having a quality website, if I keep working, I can get there. If you want to contribute to making this website better, read the section right above this one.

Frequently Asked Questions
Nope. Not yet. Have a question? Ask it here: https://goo.gl/forms/sxTRRWI9d1AjBZuZ2 .
Pen Pals Listed from Youngest to Oldest

Chloe O.
4398 Kelman Court
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
I’m female and I was born January 7, 2005.
About me: Hello! I am someone who enjoys video games, being with friends, and being on the Internet. I like Harry Potter, Sherlock, and other fandoms. Reading, writing (stories and letters), sometimes being outside are hobbies of mine. I’d like to make a lasting friendship through letters. I am very friendly and social. I’d love to hear from almost anyone!
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: Someone who doesn’t mind Snail Mail and long letters. Male or female, someone near my age (10-14), country doesn’t matter.
Languages I can read/write: English.
Male Pen Pals from Youngest to Oldest
Female Pen Pals Listed from Youngest to Oldest

Chloe O.
4398 Kelman Court
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
I’m female and I was born January 7, 2005.
About me: Hello! I am someone who enjoys video games, being with friends, and being on the Internet. I like Harry Potter, Sherlock, and other fandoms. Reading, writing (stories and letters), sometimes being outside are hobbies of mine. I’d like to make a lasting friendship through letters. I am very friendly and social. I’d love to hear from almost anyone!
Kind of pen pal I am looking for: Someone who doesn’t mind Snail Mail and long letters. Male or female, someone near my age (10-14), country doesn’t matter.
Languages I can read/write: English.

Find A Pen Pal (Hobbies - Others)    -    Author : Chloe - USA

770 visitors since 2016-11-16
Last update : 2016-12-01

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