Satday 12.7.2014
Hello frineds, I afraid, I very afraid. I do not know how to say it right ...
My country is attacked with missiles. And how it all began, I'll tell...
It all started on Wednesday, I Htrrrti eight in the morning because we have summer holiday!
My parents had breakfast that they had to go to work early so I stayed home.
After a while I saw the news that Gaza sends missiles at us! I was afraid, for several cities were attacked.
I called the parents should tell them but they told me not to worry.
In the evening they talked to me that we live in the north and the missiles will not come to us then Nrgti, my father made me laugh to forget about it and it really happened.
At night when I went to bed was the signal system, I got fright and I took a blanket, pillow and my laptop was already there. I ran to the shelter, and I was there with my parents. I do not remember how long this thing is there, but we were a lot.
Since I stopped my life, I could not go with friends to the mall or go to the beach and pool or compete with my competition. Since I live in fear of the shelter.
My friends tell me, if that's how we should live? We need a mission in fear that great? Why do we deserve this, what did we do? Maybe we Jews but all I, my family, my friends and all Israeli humans ...
Tell me how you feel about it and what you want to tell us.
"Dont by worry by HAPPY"
Goodday, my friends from Daniella