Hannah Montana Summary:
Another teen-oriented Disney Channel comedy series, Hannah Montana was a tailor-made vehicle for Miley Cyrus, the daughter of country western star Billy Ray Cyrus. Newly arrived in Malibu from her Tennessee hometown, heroine Miley (Cyrus of course) did her best to adjust to her new lifestyle and to her classmates at Seaview Middle School -- while at the same time carrying on a "secret life" as preteen pop star Hannah Montana! Billy Ray Cyrus himself was seen as Miley's father and manager Robbie -- strict, loving, traditionalist, and "hip" all in one. Another celebrity relative in the cast was Emily Osment, younger sister of Haley Joel Osment, as Miley's best friend Lilly Truscott. Rounding out the cast was Jason Earles as Miley's traditionally irksome brother Jackson, and Mitchel Musso as classmate Oliver, who carried a torch for the heroine.