Daily life - Others
Welcome To #cheers

the channel where every-one knows your name!!!!!!
There are thousand's of channel's on Undernet,Cheers,is one of those channels.
We might not be the biggest channel,but,we're certainly the best,and the friendliest.
Cheers was created in 1996,and has gone from strength to strength during the 11 years it's been running.

This page is so you can put a face to the people that are involved in our channel.
The owner,the administrators,the operators,(or ops as we call them) and the regulars.

If you'd like your pic included,please ask an op how you can.
meanwhile,for a bit of fun,fill out our survey,and sign our guest book.
Thank-you for looking,see you in #cheers.........

Archer---channel owner (he's the guy with the moustache)

^Wooody^ our wonderful bartender


channel manager





Here's the children of cheers.
sons,daughters,nephews,nieces,brothers and sisters.
even grandchildren.

Archer & phantom{A}'s lovely boys.
Gabriel & Issac

ROGUES GALLERY...........more pics of our regulars

ghozt..in portugal

gh0zt in Portugal

Bernadeth-visitor to #cheers

Woodford ... the Cheers Official band.

Jokes..funny pics.anything you'd like to share....(keep 'em clean)let us have them..

What did the elephant say to the naked man?
How do you breathe through that thing?

Welcome To #cheers (Daily life - Others)    -    Author : cheers - USA

2530 visitors since 2007-05-20
Last update : 2012-08-06

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