Music - Others
The Life of My Idol

Miley Cyrus - MTV TRL
She is so beautiful!

Welcome to my tribute to the beautiful and super talented Miley Cyrus!! Miley is the star of Disney's biggest show ever Hannah Montana and is already a sensation everywhere. This girl is taking over the world, nobody can get enough of her!! You're sure see it. Miley Cyrus Tribute and everything Miley, all and everything Hannah Montana, and all of her fans are here! Big welcome to the site & make sure you come back often for updates and to have fun!!! :)

Gosh, she is soooo pretty!!

Isn't she lovely? Isn't she wonderful?

Miles and Grams.

Performing on trl. I was in the front row. NOT! I wish.

Season Two of Hannah Montana
I'm gonna tell everybody some stuff about Miley now like from birth. Her real name is Destiny Hope Cyrus. She has been called Miley because she was a very smiley baby. Her mother and father are Leticia Finley and Billy Ray Cyrus. All her siblings are Christopher, Braison Chance, Noah Lindsey, Brandy and Trace. She always admired her father for performing in front of a crowd like she always wanted to do and she did. That is where she is today.
Check back often, alright everybody? That's it for now.

The Life of My Idol (Music - Others)    -    Author : Caitlin - Alaska (USA)

6065 visitors since 2007-03-15
Last update : 2007-03-15 >> Music >> Blog #2378

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