Cinema, tv - Reality shows
total drama island

Have you ever heard of total drama island. if you have click here!!!!!!!!!!!
This is all about total drama island.Come in and read!!!!!!!!
Come and learn more about total drama island.I will give you a summary of the episodes.but not all the episodes.
Total drama island needs you to watch it.So listen and watch it it's calling you.Take the call.Take it
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In the new episode the campers have to face their fears. Gwen gets buried alive, Cody has to defuse a bomb under pressure, Owen and Izzy have to fly in a plane, Trenton has to face a mime, Courtney has to dive in a pool of green jello, Ducan has to hug a cardboard person, Bridgette has to be in the woods for 6 hours, Lidsey and Saidy have bad haircuts, Tyler has to be in a pen of chickens, also Tyler gets voted off. And on the boat of shame chickens are everywhere. Before that Tyler was crying.

total drama island (Cinema, tv - Reality shows)    -    Author : cierra - USA

3069 visitors since 2008-07-17
Last update : 2011-07-30 >> Cinema, tv >> Blog #8169

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