AlYsSa> Brenda you are my favorite actress
AlYsSa> I am your # 1 fan.......
AlYsSa> if you wanna make a shoutout email me or go on the forum
SaShA> Hey Brenda you rox!
mEaGaN> Brenda rocks!
gO WeNdY Wu!
BrEnDa iS tHe GrEaTeSt PeRsOn YoU wIlL eVeR mEet!
ShE iS pRetTy aNd TaLeNtEd!
In The Suite Life of Zack and Cody she plays London Tipton!
WhO dO yOu LiKe BeTteR bReNdA sOnG oR aShLeY tIsDaLe?
A. BrEnDa SoNg
B. AsHleY tiSdAlE
Put this on the forum.............
2 pEopLe LiKe BrenDa BetTeR
Especially Brenda Song ROX!
!~*Brenda Song*~! (Cinema, tv - Others) - Author : Alyssa Huston - Hawaii (USA)
99513 visitors since 2006-07-16 Last update : 2014-05-10