Hello people of the world. I dedicate this website to scientists who have contributed to a historical timeline. You might be speculating, why do humans smell? It can be because of their descending culture and what various foods they digest and our body absorbs the fumes. Or because they have no personal hygiene. The logical scientific explanation is: Humans have two types of sweat glands sweat glands. Eccrine and apocrine sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands are minuscule and are located in most functional parts of your body. They coarse under your your skin and descend to your skin surface. They combine in a mixture of water and salt (water, NaCl, potassium and bicarbonate etc.)Resulting in it cooling your body. Apocrine sweat glands are much bigger and are found in only certain parts of your body. They trigger your body oder. They are situated in your underarms and your pubic area's. Contrary to travelling under your body they ascend to a hair follicle. Resulting in it carrying seat to your skin. Bacteria feeds off the seat and they excrete and leave waste remains on the area's and this is what causes the horrid oder. It is basically the bacteria's poo. How do we get spots? Easy, it is the process of dirt gathering up in our pores. When you sweat oil glands collect up in your face and use your pores, the little dents in your face, as their habitat. The term puss is what usually inhabit's inside a common pimple or spot. Puss is basically a solution of the remaining plasma and dead cells. The body wants to get rid of these by forming a nice juicy spot. During puberty you produce more hormones increasing the rate in spots. Interesting, isn't it. My mama has spots on her face but she is still super naturally cute! Spots can also be triggered by your dieting issue's and the cause of stress. Puss is the collection of white blood cells trying to overcome the infections. My mama is slim and is head to toe in c if(metaphorically)! So why does she have spots? Yes, it is due to the masses of oil glands getting reformed into a mighty pimple because the body wants to rid the dead cells(white blood cell which form the white head). The oily substance which also arrives out with the puss is the sebum. Do not pick a spot with a black head! A black head is formed when the cells undergo a chemical reaction because the sebum is blocked with sebaceous glands. The white head is the sign of when you can pick the spot or pimple! Acne is a common spot disease which is popular throughout the region of teenagers due to the increasing amount of hormones being produced inside a person's body!