Society - Associations

In the Struggle to avail latrines to communities on Islands
for proper human waste management
and disease prevention.
This was done after sensitising the community about the importance of latrines
and ensuring that they develop a spirit of contribution towards the construction of that latrine,
it was achieved even though it is not yet completed due to insufficient funds.

We thank all our supporter for all the endeavors made and we are glad to notify you that with effect from 3rd of September 2021, we modified our organization logo as seen so don't be confused with the old one. Best regards from the Board.

Monitoring the only primary School in Nkata

click to enlarge picture DSC00524.JPG

In the Struggle to avail latrines to communities on Islands
for proper human waste management
and disease prevention.
This was done after sensitising the community about the importance of latrines
and ensuring that they develop a spirit of contribution towards the construction of that latrine,
it was achieved even though it is not yet completed due to insufficient funds.

Polish_20210823_193508906.jpg IMG_20190904_094636_0.jpg IMG_20190904_094637_5.jpg

We thank all our supporter for all the endeavors made and we are glad to notify you that with effect from 3rd of September 2021, we modified our organization logo as seen so don't be confused with the old one. Best regards from the Board.


BACHASEDO in full is Buvuma Action For Community Health And Social-Economic Development Organization. It is a Non Government Organization with the following objectives

Vision and Mission Of BACHASEDO
To foster the Health, Social And Economic development of the communities on Islands of Buvuma District and Uganda in general
To help Communities realize their potential and responsibilities for broad-based development
Aims and Objectives
BACHASEDO is targeting at achieving the following objectives during its scope of operations;
Supporting children on Islands have access to education
Improve the Sanitation of Island communities.
Boosting of entrepreneurship development among households through empowering them with saving skills
Lobby for health services and extend to pregnant mothers and HIV infected patients
Provide sexual reproductive health services to minimize the spread of STIs on Islands

click to enlarge picture DSC00410.JPG click to enlarge picture DSC00415.JPG

Monitoring the only primary School in Nkata, it lacks scholastic materials,
the structure is templary yet the site is subjected to strong winds from the Lake put the life of Kids at risk.


click to enlarge picture DSC00399.JPG

We coordinate with the Health Center technical team in the improvement of sanitation more especially garbage disposal
and management in the community to avoid pollution of water and the the general environment

Send us an email to
Or call/WhatsApp +256-777-960-783
+256-756-108-360 /WhatsApp
visit us again on our website
Thank you

click to enlarge picture DSC00525.JPG

Examining the quality of the foundation
this toilet still requires a good sum of funding to put the slab,
installation of the pipes to separate feces from urine so that it can easily be used for bio purposes
and construct the main house


This website is still under development so any advice to improve features you write to our email and also
You Can make any Donation on our Account no:

Dette websted er stadig under udvikling, så ethvert råd til forbedring af funktioner skriver du til vores e -mail og også
Du kan foretage enhver donation på vores kontonr .:
Sæt kun til Uganda shilling


We recommend the sops put across to prevent the spread of covid19 and we welcome more technical procedures to ensure safety for our members and the global wellbeing

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We coordinate with the Health Center technical team in the improvement of sanitation more especially garbage disposal
and management in the community to avoid pollution of water and the the general environment
Send us an email to
Or call/WhatsApp +256-777-960-783
+256-756-108-360 /WhatsApp
visit us again on our website
Thank you

Examining the quality of the foundation
this toilet still requires a good sum of funding to put the slab,
installation of the pipes to separate feces from urine so that it can easily be used for bio purposes
and construct the main house
This website is still under development so any advice to improve features you write to our email and also
You Can make any Donation on our savings Account no:

Dette websted er stadig under udvikling, så ethvert råd til forbedring af funktioner skriver du til vores e -mail og også
Du kan foretage enhver donation på vores kontonr .:
Sæt kun til Uganda shilling
We recommend the sops put across to prevent the spread of covid19 and we welcome more technical procedures to ensure safety for our members and the global wellbeing (Society - Associations)    -    Author : Takunya - Uganda

804 visitors since 2019-05-11
Last update : 2023-08-11 >> Society >> Blog #31861

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