30 Ashley Tisdale facts!
1. Ashley Tisdale is 21 years old!
2. Ashley has one sister named Jennifer who is older then her but has not brothers.
3. Ashley is known for playing as Sharpay in high school musical and as Maddie in Suite life of Zach and Cody.
4. Ashley's fav color is pink.
5. Ashley's fav movies are Just Married, My Best Friends Wedding, and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days and her fav fav movie is Peter Pan.
6. Ashley's fav ice cream is cookie dough.
7. Ashley sang at the white house at age 12.
8. When Ashley is not working she likes to hang with her friends or go shopping.
9. Ashley has a cd out called Headstrong.
10. Ashley's fav candy is Swedish fish.
11. Ashley's fav food is Pizza and Sushi
12. Ashley's fav animal is a horse.
13. Ashley's fav actress is Brittany Murphy.
14. Ashley has a dog named Blondie.
15. Ashley named her dog after her nickname on Suite Life.
16. Ashley's eye color is brown.
17. Ashley's original hair color is brown.
18. now ashley's hair is blonde.
19. Ashley's height is 5'2
20. Ashley's Birthday is July 2, 1985
21. Ashley's agent is Bill Perlmen.
22. Ashley was discovered in the New Jersey Mall at age 3.
23. Ashley's fav book is the great Gatsby
24. Ashley's fav tv shows are Luguna Beach and Surface
25. Ashley's fav music groups are Billy Joel, Elton John, The Used, All American Rejects, and Nick Lachey.
26. Ashley's fav thing about acting is she gets to be all different characters that tell different stories.
27. Ashley's fav Disney Charecter is Tinkerbell.
28. Her fav high school musical song is Breaking Free.
29. Her fav actors are Johnny Depp, Leonardo Dicaprio
30. Her fav designers are Diesel, Bebe, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Marc
Jacobs |