Artisans - Others
Annalyn Cyrus


Annalyn was spotted dancing in RIO in Breaking Dawn Part 1.
She also took part in the parody version of Twilight & New Moon as Team Jacob Girl.

Annalyn Cyrus as Team Jacob Girl in Vampires Suck.
Annalyn Cyrus is huge fan of The Twilight Saga since 2008. At first she supported Team Edward but since New Moon she picked Team Jacob. Right after she heard about the upcoming Parody of Twilight and New Moon in 2010 she was auditioned to play Team Jacob Girl and got the role.

Annalyn took part in some episodes of the Tv Show as: Radio Announcer, Trick or Treater and various minor roles.

Annalyn Cyrus as Trick or Treater in Hannah Montana Halloween Episode.
Annalyn is the little cute girl with Chinese costume. When Annalyn was younger every time she was in California and her cousin was filming she always got mini roles.


Annalyn played several roles in A.N.T Farm. She can be seen staying in the A.N.T Farm writing or playing on a laptop. In ReplicANT she is girl with apple.

Annalyn In TransplANTed.
In TransplANTed Annalyn Can Be Seen With Pink Sweatshirt and Bag/Book.

Annalyn In IgnorANTs Is Bliss.
Annalyn appeared in IgnorANTs Is Bliss with blue-purple shirt/sweatshirt.

Annalyn in ReplicANT.
In ReplicANT (A.N.T FARM) Annalyn appeared with apple when Olive tried to complete her task.

Annalyn Cyrus (Artisans - Others)    -    Author : Kyle - USA

1649 visitors since 2012-10-02
Last update : 2014-04-27 >> Artisans >> Blog #21698

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