Animals - Mammals
The elephant - Characteristics of the elephants
Introduction of the elephants
Alimentation of the elephants
Reproduction of the elephants
Habitat of the elephants
Characteristics of the elephants
African elephant
Asiatic elephant
Differences between asiatic and african elephant


Most of us are aware of most of the characteristics of elephants, and we have even seen at least one of them in person, in a zoo or in a circus. In some of these places you can even ride some because of its quiet and peaceful nature.

However there are many other features about elephants, which you should know, and this is the place to do it.

1. Elephants are the largest of all the animals on earth in the world.

2. A female needs 22 months from conception to having a baby. The longest gestation time of any other animal in the world.

3. A newborn elephant can stand up after birth, can weigh up to 260 pounds.

4. The average life of an elephant in its natural habitat is 50 to 70 years. The oldest known elephant in the world lived to 82 years of age.

5. The majority of elephants in the world are characterized by weighing around 26,000 pounds.

6. The word elephant means ivory.

7. It's just a myth that elephants are afraid of mice. The legend says that mice can run up to an elephant and suffocate it but there is no truth in this, at all.

8. The trunk of an elephant has more than 40,000 muscles, characteristic of the elephant that amazes scientists.

9. Elephants are herbivores, this means they are plant eaters.

10. Elephants consume large amounts of water - up to 15 liters at a time.

11. Elephants love to swim.

12. Elephants have an excellent sense of smell and hearing, but vision problems.

13. In general, one tusk will be shorter than the other. This feature of the elephant is because the elephant uses one more frequently than the other. Just as people are right-handed or left-handed, it is believed that these animals depend on a dominant fang.

14. The tusks of an elephant can weigh up to 200 pounds and can grow up to 10 feet in length.

15. The elephant is one of the few four-legged animals that can not jump.
16. At 11 pounds, the elephant has a brain that is larger than any other animal in the world, an impressive feature.

17. Up to 16 hours a day elephants are found feeding on a wide variety of plant life, they can consume 300 to 600 pounds of food each day.

18. Baby elephants are blind from birth and rely on their relatives and their mothers to help them, a characteristic they share with humans.

19. Many elephants in freedom do not have fangs at all, this is due to the fact that many of them are killed by ivory poachers, over the years, this has left those who do not have fangs reproduce more than those who have Big fangs.

20. Most elephants in zoos, workplaces, and circuses are females, because they seem to be easier to control, males tend to go through cycles in which they are characterized as instinctively aggressive.

21. Most people do not realize that elephants have the potential to be more dangerous than other animals, they rarely are, but there is always an opportunity for aggressive behavior even in those who have been in captivity for a long time .

22. The males enter stages, for a short period of time, in which they find themselves in a state of madness.

23. The females can continue having children until they are 50 years old. They tend to have a new baby every 2 ½ to 4 years. Twins are extremely rare in elephants.

24. Elephants are known to have a type of tuberculosis that can be transmitted to humans, characteristic of the elephant by which scientists work closely with them to get a vaccine to prevent it.

25. Reproduction can take place at any time of the year for elephants, to the extent that they feel safe and have an abundance of food.

| Introduction of the elephants | Alimentation of the elephants | Reproduction of the elephants | Habitat of the elephants | Characteristics of the elephants | African elephant | Asiatic elephant | Differences between asiatic and african elephant |

The elephant - Characteristics of the elephants (Animals - Mammals)    -    Author : Aina - Spain

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